By going to the bank with all your information and asking them for your balance. You can also do this with your ATM card too.
Hi there! There are a number of ways you can check your savings balance.
In your local branch
If you have a bank card, or ID such as your passport or birth certificate, any branch of your bank should be able to check your savings balance. If you have a card, then you can even visit a machine in-branch that will let you access a number of things about your account.
At an ATMIf a card came with your savings account, you should be able to go to an ATM and check your balance there.
If you have online banking facilities, you should be able to enter your normal passcode details and find your savings balance on there. This is one of the easiest ways to check your balances these days.
Mobile app
By telephone
Hopefully this helped you with how you can check your savings balance. Good luck!