I had answered that question earlier but had misunderstood one minor point. An 'external customer' is a customer outside of your company that purchases a product from you. An 'internal customer' is a customer within your company that purchases a product from you.
An internal customer is someone that works for your industry. E.g hospitality-chief, waitress, staff.
An external customer is one that comes into your industry and purchases goods for themselves. E.g a man and women go to a restaurant for dinner, they are external customers. The chef that cooks their meal and the waitress that serves it to them are internal customers.
An external customer is one that comes into your industry and purchases goods for themselves. E.g a man and women go to a restaurant for dinner, they are external customers. The chef that cooks their meal and the waitress that serves it to them are internal customers.
An external customer pays real money for your product, a fact that shows up on the bottom line. An internal customer may use your work output, but whatever they "pay" does not appear on the company's bottom line.
If you were a store owner external would mean someone a customer inquiring or purchasing thru phone or online. Whereas internal would be a customer that is in your store.
An internal customer is somebody who shops instore
an external customer is somebody who shops online or over the phone
an external customer is somebody who shops online or over the phone
Meaning full answer of external customer