May I Get Some Information About ER Diagram For Banking Database With Explanation? - Samurai


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to get er diagrams for the  income tax management project
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hy ..
There is Several ways to write Entty abut the banke system
1: There are Employee
4:Branches of the bank

Each one of these Entty variables:
  1:There are staff in the bank: Has anem,phone no. ,adrress,Employee number(unique)
2:Clients: Name,Signed(unique),phone no. ,adrress
3:master : Name ,Branch Numberthat has manege it ,phone no.  ,
4:Branches of the banke: Number(unique),adreess,phone no.
There is several relation shep  from each of thes Entties..

Ihop Ican help you
Katie Harry Profile
Katie Harry answered
Some of the entities that you can include in your E-R diagram are Account, Transaction, Branch, Customer, Employee, Checks, Deposit, Credit and others according to your requirements and areas you want to cover. If you want details on the formation of the database and the methods for normalization and other operations, you can see the details.

You can see an E-R diagram and look at the entities and the associative entities and then you can create the attributes for the entities according to your requirements.

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