What Resources Does An International Internet Retailer Need Other Than Merely A Storefront On The Internet? Does It Require Fewer Physical, Financial, And Human Resources Than A Traditional Retailer, Or Just As Many? Explain.


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that many of these companies substitute personnel labor with fine tuned and high tech software programs that help them effectively manage shipping and inventory.  These franchises implement very few workers and rely more heavily on complex shopping cart and check out systems.  Their reliance on shipping companies is higher as well.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
An internet retail store requires much more than a storefront to succeed. First of all you need to have enough resources for a quality product and its quick distribution. The website should be dynamic in its design and there should be good search and feedback facilities. You need to be financially strong as well if you want to make a quality product and distribute it. A strong and widely spread distribution structure also need to be there.

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