
What Causes Job Satisfaction Organisation Behavior?


1 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
Job satisfaction in organizational behavior is positive feelings about a job and some degree of psychological identification with that job to give the employee a feeling of self worth.

To get job satisfaction within an organization, a person needs to be able to identify with the objectives of the employer, and to have a belief that they have some autonomy within a position that makes a difference. This will lead to feelings of empowerment and make the job have some positive meaning.

It is in an organization's interests to make sure that employees have job satisfaction because it makes them more effective and creates both moral and ethical loyalties, which means that it is less likely that they will have time off work, or leave, so staff turnover will be less. This in turn leads to less time being spent on new employee training and inductions.

Managers should always be aware of employee attitudes because they are indicative of how much job satisfaction they are actually getting. Dissatisfied employees are more likely to be sloppy in their work; find excuses not to do any; or to be dishonest.

It has been proven that high salaries are not enough to create job satisfaction; employees need to feel that they are valued and to be challenged in ways that will illustrate their strengths. Satisfied members of staff are going to be more productive, which in turn will lead to a greater level of job satisfaction. The onus of responsibility to ensure that this situation is the norm, rather than the exception is that of the manager. Unfortunately, many managers do not perceive this to be their duty, care little about it and do not have the foresight to recognize the benefits the company will gain from a contented workforce.

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