A popular way to borrow money which you intend to use for say, a holiday, home improvements, debt consolidation or a new car is to borrow against your home - called a remortgage. A remortgage is a good way to raise funds if you don't want to take out a seperate finance agreement and your mortgage advisor can usually get you a great deal.
A popular way to borrow money which you intend to use for say, a holiday, home improvements, debt consolidation or a new car is to borrow against your home - called a remortgage. A remortgage is a good way to raise funds if you don't want to take out a seperate finance agreement and your mortgage advisor can usually get you a great deal.
Own home.need cash fast.10,000.00 to 20,000.oo lender to put lien on property.House up for sale. Will NOT take off the market.