I owed 1,900.00 in back child support. I filed and received a refund check. Did the irs take out for the back child support that I owed.
I owe 4000.00 in child suport will mi tax refund get garnish
Will irs take my refund check if my husband owes back child support?
How will I know if my refund will be taken for childsupport?
The economic stimulus rebate will be treated as any other tax refund. Money will be offset to cover any other tax liabilities you owe including child support.
I am a mom who has a dead beat ex. The gov. Always takes his refund but I have never had them give me the stimulus payment. I know he gets one. As stated before you can go to the IRS website and get the number and just call to ask. That may be your best bet since all cases are different.
Yes if you are behind
Yes you can go to www.irs.gov and it will tell you everything you need to know about it this will help you out a lot believe me
Some taxpayers may receive smaller economic stimulus payments than they anticipated. By law, the stimulus payments are offset to satisfy past-due taxes, student loans, child support and certain other debts.