If A Credit Check Is Needed To Rent An Apartment And One Spouse Has Good Credit And One Has Bad, Does This Mean Th Couple Has No Chance Of Getting The Apartment?


6 Answers

Jason Levy Profile
Jason Levy answered

I would like to say that Sure you have a chance, but if one of the spouse's credit is simply terrible, think about renting the apartment in the name of the person with good credit.

Anna Phillips Profile
Anna Phillips answered
You always have a chance. You may have to pay a higher deposit, though, or prove that you both have steady jobs.
Samamtha Harpet Profile
Samamtha Harpet answered

You have a chance but the landlord may ask for a larger security deposit.

sam weedwiki Profile
sam weedwiki answered

No, Its depend upon the thinking upon the owner some time owner not think about that and give the apartment on rent.

cosmo denger Profile
cosmo denger answered
Sure you have a chance, but if one of the spouse's credit is simply terrible, think about renting the apartment in the name of the person with good credit.

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