
I Sent My Unemployment Claim Form In Early. Will I Get My Check?


2 Answers

Joseph Russell Profile
Joseph Russell answered
You will still receive your check even if you mail it in early, although it will be delayed. To be sure next time, you need to read the form well and mail it back on the date listed on the form under "Complete and mail back on”. When you send it too early, they will mail you back a letter stating that you had submitted it too early.

For the unemployed, there are certain things to watch out for when filling up the unemployment claims apart from sending it in too early. It’s easy to overlook little details and mistakes that can lead to delays in the sending of checks, so it’s best to be extra careful. You will also need to wait until your phone interview for you to get the check, so in order to get that interview it’s necessary to fill in the information correctly.

First and foremost, you should answer the questions as accurately as possible, to prevent answering no when you mean yes and vice versa. When you answer them, make the circle shading dark as this is read by computer and be sure that you use a black pen, no other color. Also, make sure that you fill in the columns on the right side of the form, as it’s very common for it to be overlooked.

Another easy mistake for people who are rushing their forms is forgetting to sign them at the bottom. It’s surprising how easy it is to miss these small details, so reviewing your form twice, even thrice before you mail it will be well worth it.

Being part of the unemployed population often means that you will be getting more mail than usual, but these letters are meant to be read well and understood. Apart from filling in the forms correctly, remember that you should be as truthful as possible, be physically and mentally able to work, and keep track of any hours and work that you have done.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, they will send you a duplicate form to fill out and you re-mail it.
It will delay your check, but I am not sure for how long or how long it takes to get the duplicate form.

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