The eligibility for National Certified Insurance and Coding Specialist Test are that the students should have a high school diploma or equivalent. The second qualification is that the student should be a graduate of an approved course in Insurance and Coding or have at least one year of experience as a coder or biller. In other words, your knowledge from the job or course can be quite handy during the job. Make sure you save important data during your course or job so that you can use it for the exam.
Study about billing procedure and medical insurance claims. Familiarise yourself with medical terminology and claims processing. For more information go to www.ncctinc.comcertification.html . On the webpage, look out for 'National Certified Insurance and Coding Specialist' (NCICS). Click on 'pamphlet' which gives you information in the form of PDF file, on tips on the examination and how you can refrain from spending a huge amount of money on education materials, workshops and meetings.
Study about billing procedure and medical insurance claims. Familiarise yourself with medical terminology and claims processing. For more information go to www.ncctinc.comcertification.html . On the webpage, look out for 'National Certified Insurance and Coding Specialist' (NCICS). Click on 'pamphlet' which gives you information in the form of PDF file, on tips on the examination and how you can refrain from spending a huge amount of money on education materials, workshops and meetings.