If it is your bank account that you want a statement for, this is fairly easy to achieve.
Getting your bank statement online
If you have online banking, you can login to your banks website and see an up to date statement. You can also review statements from previous months this way.
Receiving your bank statement in the post
If you want to get official hard copies of statements, just call your bank and ask them to send them to you. Be aware that some banks may charge for paper statements as they expect most people to look online these days.
Other ways to check your account
You could also call into a branch of your bank and ask for statements, but you will need ID so don't forget to take some with you.
A mini statement can usually be printed off at an ATM if you just need to know recent transactions.
If you don't have online banking, it is definitely something worth looking into. This way you can keep on top of your finances and make sure that your account stays safe.
Receiving your bank statement in the post
If you want to get official hard copies of statements, just call your bank and ask them to send them to you. Be aware that some banks may charge for paper statements as they expect most people to look online these days.
Other ways to check your account
You could also call into a branch of your bank and ask for statements, but you will need ID so don't forget to take some with you.
A mini statement can usually be printed off at an ATM if you just need to know recent transactions.
If you don't have online banking, it is definitely something worth looking into. This way you can keep on top of your finances and make sure that your account stays safe.