Now that I am older I do like a free pen (as I begrudge buying one),
I normally get my free tickets from Sky Rewards or The Disney Store.
Sky Rewards
As long as you are a sky movies package holder you are entitled to free advance screening of certain movies. At the moment you can book for The Big Wedding and The Iceman. You are limited to days and times but to be honest it is a wonderful scheme, and you should take advantage.
To claim the tickets all you need to go is log onto your sky account online and look up the rewards and see what is available.
I have 2 children so this really helps me out, when it comes to them wanting to see the latest Disney flick. Many people are not aware of this scheme so I will enlighten you.
If you sign up to the Disney Store e-mail via your local store, you will of course receive regular e-mails regarding the latest deals in store. However every so often, they will issue you with an e-mail explaining that if you say a 'magical password', you are able to get free cinema tickets to an advance screening of a particular film. For example the last showing I saw was Wreck it Ralph. I had to say to a cast member 'I'm gonna wreck it" and they gave me 4 free cinema tickets. It was that simple.
I know they are not that amazing but I have found them to be the most beneficial to me.