Can You Write Short Note On Cyber Marketing?


2 Answers

amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
Cyber marketing is the promotions of the products and services through internet. There are various promotional internet based tools like websites, banners, emails etc. With the boost in E-commerce(online buying an selling of products and services) since late 1990s, cyber marketing has also increased. Cyber marketing is aimed to promote the goods and services provided by the company both through traditional means and online. Cyber marketing is increasing because companies find it very cheap and it targets a huge internet audience. Moreover, cyber marketing is also easy to implement and it is less complex as compare to traditional means of marketing.

Web Master ewebmaster Profile
Cyber Marketing is a combination of design, development, advertising, and marketing part of a business.
The cyber marketing consists of:
Social media,Affiliate marketing, E-mail marketing,Advertisements,promotions,SEO, Mobile Advertising, Viral marketing,Search engine marketing etc.

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