To calculate gain or loss percentage, you can apply the following formula:
((Price Sold - Purchase Price) / (Purchase Price)) * 100
((2860 - 2750) / (2750)) * 100 (subtitute values)
= (110 / 2750) * 100 (simplify numerator)
= 0.04 * 100 (express fraction as decimal)
= 4% (percentage gain)
______ If the percentage is negative, resulting from the market value being lower than the book value, you have lost on your investment. If the percentage is positive, resulting from market value being greater than book value, you have gained on your investment.
Here is a more detailed method of calculating gain or loss:
((Amount Sold - Amount Paid) + Income Gain - Costs)) / Amount Paid
((Price Sold - Purchase Price) / (Purchase Price)) * 100
((2860 - 2750) / (2750)) * 100 (subtitute values)
= (110 / 2750) * 100 (simplify numerator)
= 0.04 * 100 (express fraction as decimal)
= 4% (percentage gain)
______ If the percentage is negative, resulting from the market value being lower than the book value, you have lost on your investment. If the percentage is positive, resulting from market value being greater than book value, you have gained on your investment.
Here is a more detailed method of calculating gain or loss:
((Amount Sold - Amount Paid) + Income Gain - Costs)) / Amount Paid