
If A Client Buys Shares Worth Rs. 2,55,000 And Sells Shares Worth Rs. 3,45,000 Through A Broker, Then The Maximum Brokerage Payable To The Broker Is?


3 Answers

Manoj Kumar Krishnasamy Profile
Maximum Brokerage is 2.5% on trade value.
So for
Purchase of shares - 2,55,000*2.5%=6375
On the time of Sale - 3,45,000*2.5%=8625

Totally The Maximum Amount is 15,000.
Carlos  Marino Profile
Carlos Marino answered

Use tip trays with a symbol of a credit card business if lending the check or change. The empty menu prompts your own client to place some thing there enjoy a hint. There's not a scientific excuse to this but it one suggestion which operates to secure more waiter tips. Check it out the next time your customer requests his check and utilize it to give back their or her change. Try it Cost split to get more results .

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