
Why Is Business Activity Needed?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To keep the national and international economy going. To improve and advance people's quality of life on earth. To speed progress.
Iryna Che Profile
Iryna Che answered

Yes, you need to keep your business running, meet urgent requests and implement new technologies. Phonexa is a one-stop lead tracking and distribution platform that allows marketers to optimize their web and call campaigns. This is a good solution for companies to increase their traffic and generate new income through the use of lead generation efforts.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
*People have unlimited wants.
*The four factors of production-the resources needed to make goods - are in limited supply
*Scarcity results from limited resources and unlimited wants.
*Choice is necessary when resources are scarce.this leads to opportunity costs.
* specialisation improves the efficiency of resource use.

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