How Would You Use Segmentation Approach To Improve Your Marketing Efforts As Toilet Soaps?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1   For improving the marketing efforts for the toilet soaps, the company should divide the target market into segments, but first of all divide the toilet soaps into groups like a group of beauty soaps, health care soaps, and kid soaps. After making the groups then divide the target market into segments like female from above age 18 to 25 as at this age females are more conscious about their skin beauty. Health care soaps should be at the focus of the families including women, men and children of all the ages. Kid soaps should be for the newly born baby like the Johnson soap etc. After doing this then the company should market these soaps according to the segments like in ads of the beauty soap the company should include a beautiful woman, for promoting the health care soaps like dettol and safeguards the company should include the whole family and promoting that they are safe and living healthy life after using this soap. At last for the kids soap must include a baby; it all means that proper segmentation and marketing are the basis for the profits.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
For marketing of the toilet soap, the segmentation approach can be used in a manner that the consumers can be segmented on the basis of their income level and their behavioral characteristics. Like some women can like pink toilet soap and for dry skin, some for oily and with different color and some for normal skin. Segmentation can always play an important role in marketing any product or service. The whole idea is the selection of the right variables.

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