Sort code 20-25-85 is a branch of Barclays Bank. The full address is: Barclays Business Centre, Sir Frank Whittle Road, Derby, DE21 4RX.
The telephone number for this branch is 0345 7345345, and it is open from Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm.
There are 3 other branches of Barclays in Derby:
- 22-26 St Peters Street, DE1 1SH
- 14 Park Farm Centre, DE22 2QN
- 848-850 Ormaston Road, DE24 9AB
For general information, you should call Barclays customer services on 0800 151 0900 (for landlines) or 0333 200 9090 (for mobiles).
To find out about Barclays online services, I'd recommend taking a look at this Youtube clip. It explains how you can login to, or setup Online Banking with Barlcays.
If you haven't used it yet, I'd highly recommend it! You can basically do most of the things you would usually do in branch, but its open 24/7 and you don't have to leave the house!