All W-2s must be issued by Jan 31st for a given year. If you have not received it by 14 Feb, call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040. Ask for individual accounts. They can send a form to the issuer, and send the taxpayer a sub for the W-2 to, if needed, reconstruct a W-2. If you are waiting for a W-2 from 2006, call the above number, ask for accounts, and tell them that you need a transcript of your 'Wage and Income' (W&I) for 2006. You can also ask them if there is a W-2 in your tax record from a given employer (issuer) for any previous year, up to 6 years. The Government can be your Friend.
The Unemployment Office must send you your w2's by Jan 31st at the latest. There's no way to hurry this one up as far as I know, I used to work there.