What Is Toll Free No. Of Customer Care Of Reserve Bank Of India?


2 Answers

Aidan McCartney Profile
Aidan McCartney answered
The Reserve Bank of India does not, it appears, offer a toll-free number, or at least not one that is available in the public domain. Neither is there a specific email address listed anywhere for their customer service department.

There are however a number of ways (admittedly not many) in which it may be possible to contact the bank. Firstly, and seemingly the most encouraged method, is via the contact us/help desk link on the Reserve Bank of India official website, which leads to an online query form which ought to be filled in with as much detail about the relevant concerns or complaint as possible, along with the name, email address of the customer and the specific department, which they then will apparently respond to. If no contact has been received within 48 hours then there are other avenues that can be pursued.

A map of hyperlinked regional offices can be viewed at www.rbi.org.in/scripts/regionaloffices.aspx detailing contact mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and fax numbers where available. A list of relevant departments including customer services can be viewed on the Reserve Bank of India website also, under the 'about us' section, scrolling down the page and clicking the 'departments' link.

The customer service telephone number is stated as (22) 22630483 and the fax number as (22) 22631744. The General Manager can also be reached at:

Reserve Bank of India
General Manager
National Clearing Centre
215m Free Press House
Narman Point
Mumbai - 400 021

The website www.customercareinfo.in claims to provide listings of all customer service numbers for Indian companies and services. The two telephone numbers they list for Reserve Bank of India are for the head office at Mumbai, these are (22) 22601500 and (22) 22660500.

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