
What Are The Four External And Six Internal Considerations For Developing An Integrated Information Management System For A Human Service Organization?


1 Answers

Roger Clegg Profile
Roger Clegg answered
An integrated information management system will ensure you keep track of an organization's performance statistics. The organization will be able to review weekly, monthly and even yearly performance records.
1. Organizational Purposes
2. Organizational Planning
3. Organizational Operations
4. Human Resources
5. Technological Resources
6. Financial Resources
7. Political environment
8. Sociological Aspects
9. Economic Aspects
10. Technological needs
The IMS Database component stores the collection of data by using a hierarchical model. In IMS, the usual hierarchical model is implemented using a series of blocks of data known as segments. Each segment can consist of numerous pieces of data, which are called fields.
For example, a customer database may result in having a special root segment (or the segment at the top of the hierarchy) with fields including phone, name and age. Child segments may be added underneath another section for example and one order segment under each customer segment representing each order a customer has placed with a chosen company.
Similarly, each order segment may have several children segments for each item on the order. But unlike other databases, you do not require to define all of the data in a section to IMS. A segment may be described with a size of 40 bytes but only define one field that is around six bytes long as a key field that you can use in order to find the section when performing queries.
An information management system will retrieve and save all 40 bytes as directed by a program but may not understand what the other bytes represent. So most of the data in a segment may map to what is called a COBOL copybook. The database component of IMS can be purchased independently without the need for a transaction manager component.

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