
How To Make 20-30 Dollars Fast (for 11 Year Olds)?


16 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Recycling plastic bottles, babysitting, mow lawning, walking the neighbor’s dog, watering their plants while they are away, participating in yard sales, helping your parents sell some of the things that you do not need in the house on eBay, newspaper distribution and washing cars are ways in which an 11 year old can earn some pocket cash.

If you walk the neighbor’s dog, for example, four times a week, you are guaranteed to earn 20 Dollars by end week. This will only consume roughly one hour of your time each day walking it down the street and back. With this kind of calculation, you are bound to make more during school holidays when you have ample time and no homework to do before going to bed.

Alternatively, you could collect all your old items that you might not be using or have grown out of. They may not be useful to you but they are to someone else. Take a picture of the items and with the help of your parent(s) and their consent, you could sell them only. So instead of letting your toys get dusty with no intention of ever using them soon, you could earn yourself some pocket change by selling them online.

Washing cars is also another alternative revenue generator for an 11 year old. Not much skill is required to clean a car neither does one need certificates. You could start by washing your parent’s car for 10 dollars; ask the neighbor if he needs cleaning of his car to. This could work to your advantage during weekend when most people are indoor relaxing. Instead of riding your bike the whole day with friends, you could take some time off and clean three to four cars for the same amount each.

If this is too much of a calling, you could collect plastic bottles and cans that can be recycled. As you ride your bicycle, have some make-shift bag where you collect any recyclable material that can be traded in for some spare cash.

Why not use your bicycle to earn you some cash too? You could distribute newspapers during the holidays. Approach the local distributor in your area and propose the idea. You do not have to deliver it personally to everyone; you could drop it at the entrance or place it next to the mail box.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can
1.wash cars 10$
2.babysit 15$
3.walk dogs 5$ (every hour)
4.toutor 10$ (every 2 hours)
5.mow lawn 8$
6.sell candy 1$
7.sell jewerlery 1$
8.recycle cans and plastic bottles
9.yard sale/garage sale
10.throw newspapers
PJ Profile
PJ answered
You'd have to work like crazy. But you could cut lawns, walk dogs, babysit, run errands, clean garages, water plants for people who are on vacation, and other odd jobs that you may be good at. If you only worked Monday through Friday, you'd have to earn at least $60 a day. It's possible, but you'd have to be energetic and determined. Good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

wash sink- $5

washing dishes and putting them away-$7

cleaning bathroom-$8

doing laundry and putting it away-$10

mow lawn-$10

hope it helped :)

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey do some chores thats how I worked they paid me :
Washing sink $8
washing dishes $10
walking pet $10
babysitting $12
cleaning bathroom about $12
making the bed around $14
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Is 12 I just told my parents that I'm saving up for a laptop (now I only need $20) and my dad gaves me 30 bucks for doing a bunch of extra chores and my mom gave me $20 for doing some easy jobs for her. And my moms friend is going to give me $20 for washing and cleaning their car. I don't know just ask a bunch of people for money and if they ask what for just tell them and they might give you small jobs to do for $$$...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm doing a bakesale that works real well except in the one coming up I'm also selling books and comics and other stuff so bake sale/garage sale  hope this helps
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Try asking your parents if you could do anything for money around the house. I made $20 for cleaning out our pantry! Hope this helps
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Chores I guess. I know that chores is the only answer that is close to easy for our age because ive been looking for ways to make money, too. My stupid parents wont help me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well do what I do....sell bracelets its easy, just buy some string and beads and put he beads on the string in a pattern and tie it then sell them for 1 dollar
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I tried dog walking but that didnt work out very well so thats not the best choice maybe a garage sale but if you don't live on a very busy street that doesnt work either try going around neighbors asking if you could do like odd jobs for them or something
Jordan or JoJo Sanchez Profile
I need to earn like 40 bucks..I think I'm just going to work round the house help out etc. Umm I don't think you can earn 300 dollars a week because thats like
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My friend and I got a huge bag of Jolly Ranchers and we sold them for if you bought 1 it would be .25 and if you bought 3 it was 1.00. I hoped this helped.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Make a personal service menu thts ways I did. My  mom love for me to give her a back rub so I said tht every time I hav to give her one its fifty cents. And things like tht.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go to the closest city (Atlantic , L.A., Manhattan, etc.) with a parent or grandparent, and sell complements. Or if you live nowhere near a city just go to a neighbor or family members house and ask to walk dogs mow their lawns rake leaves or wash a car. Hope it helps it worked for me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would ask your grandma or grandpa for money. This usually works because they do anything to please their grandchildren. You could also do some work for your neighbor and maybe possibly they will pay your for it.

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