Stephy answered
I was working at a hotel and a customer came upto my colleague and suggested that she did not think his attitude towards her was neither appropriate or acceptable, this meant that I had to step in and calm down the situation the customer was really upset, I offered the customer half off her final … Read more
Stephy answered
In advertising they are promoting a businesses product/'s so they use a wide range of media methods these include television , newspapers, billboards etc, the advantage of this is that they can engage with all types of customers not just thoughts with a television or who read a specific newspaper . Hope this helped x
Stephy answered
First thing you need to do when working out profit and loss is: Just follow these steps: Sales minus sales returns gives you your net sales/ turnover stock at start purchases minus purchase returns gives you your net purchases add your net purchases with your carriage inwards and that gives you your total cost of … Read more