Dogs "scoot" when they need their anal glands expressed.  They have glands in their anus that help them pass waste and form time to time they become blocked or filled and need some help.  It can become very painful.  Take her/him to a vet or a groomer, they will know what to do.  You can do it yourself, but … Read more
Some times dogs have an issue with swallowing their food if not chewed right.  That will affect there breathing and gagging.  If you have not tried this give them a shot.  Elevate their food bowl.  Some dogs eat in one spot so that could let gravity help when their head is raised.  Get a smaller sized food.  We had a Rotty … Read more
Depends on the state on how they handle the paperwork.  Some states automatically file the extention for you, just file as you have and it will kick in after your 1st benefit runs out.  Check your state employment commission website also.  If you file your claim over the internet if should have a Q/A section on benefits.  North Carolina … Read more