michael feeney
michael feeney answered
Micro computers are small pc's that we use..they are single-
user operated systems more general used by an
individual...they are use for general purpose like
docementation,individual service,etc..

mini computers are those computer that lie betn micro and
super computer in size....they are stand-alone
computers...they are used for some special purposes … Read more
michael feeney
michael feeney answered
Honesty is the human quality of communicating and acting truthfully, in accordance with a sense of fairness and sincerity. This includes all varieties of communication, both verbal and non-verbal. Honesty implies a lack of deceit. A statement can be strictly true and still be dishonest if the intention of the statement … Read more
michael feeney
michael feeney answered
Hydrocodone is most like any form of codeine, Lortab, Lorcet, etc... Any kind of hydrocodone will stay in your urine depending on weight and amount taken for a period of 2 days I've seen, all the way up to 5 days max. To be safe, I would at least give myself 6 days if it's … Read more