Improve the standard of education and training of its members.improve the productivity of workers. Improve conditions of service. Represent workers in the collective bargaining process. Settle disagreements and differences between employers and employees. Provide professional and legal advice to employees. Study legislatiom may affect employees and provide union members with advice regarding this legislation
Unions exist to aid the employee of a company. They are the link between the employee and employeer, a good union steward will fight for the benefits and wages that employees are making. In other cases being a union employee can help to save a job that in other cases may have been terminated. Take Wal-Mart for instance, a non-union company that make billions of dollars a year and treats their employees like dirt, if they were union Wal-Mart would be the premier employer in the world, instead they are minimum wage sweat shops.
Unions became popular in the early 20th century, though something like it, called guilds, existed earlier. The working conditions of early industrialization, were brutal and dangerous. Lots of people died leaving widows and orphans. The unionists borrowed from the communists in joining many workers together to change things. When strikes and sabotage started biting into the profits of the wealthy, you get their attention! Eventually Unions went mainstream and helped keep things safe and made it possible for a working person to make a living wage. Compensation for work related injuries and death came about as a result of the unions organizing.
Importance and role of trade union
Unions are made by the employees of any organization in order to protect and win the rights of the employees. So all the member in a union can affect the organization because they have strong hold on the resources and the employees which are the members of the unions are loyal to their union so it can affect the decision making of an organization.
Unions exist because of bad management, if employers treated their employees fairly, with respect, dignity and provided reasonable compensation workers would not feel the need to organize or join a union. Arrogant supervision, greedy owners who want to take advantage of workers maximize profits and pay minimum wage will ultimately end up being unionized .
To improve the productivity of workers
Unions artificially inflate consumer prices and cause employers to be unable to fire those that do not produce or fail to grasp their job function.
When the american workforce realizes that performance is the only factor that matters, american companies will universally become profitable.
When the american workforce realizes that performance is the only factor that matters, american companies will universally become profitable.
Unions exist because people would rather pay someone else to secure their future rather than invest in themselves. If unions were that valuable, why when someone loses their job at GM, for example, can't find an equivalent job elsewhere paying the $70/hour in wage and benefits (health, insurance and retirement)? THIS IS WHY LARGE FACTORIES WILL NEVER RETURN TO THE RUST BELT.