
How Do I Get A Vendors License In Illinois?


1 Answers

David Gill Profile
David Gill answered
To apply for a vendors license in Illinois it may be necessary to contact Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) on (312) 793 2804.

Alternatively, visit the official state website and follow these instructions:
  1. Underneath the business tab in the table of contents select 'run a business'
  2. Beneath the title General Business Operations & Considerations click the link 'Registrations, Licenses & Permits'
  3. On the linked page, second down, below the heading of Licenses select 'Licenses Issued by the Department of Labor'
  4. A list of licenses and permit titles will be shown, select the one entitled 'Street Trades of Registration Application'
  5. Download the relevant .PDF application form, fill in the details required and send, with payment to
Fair Labor Standards Division
Compliance Processing Section
160 North LaSalle
Suite C-1300
Chicago, IL 60601-3150
Tel # (312) 793-2804
Fax #: (312) 814-1210

It is a legal requirement to make sure all relevant licenses and permits have been issued and are valid before commencing Street Vendor activities. It is worth mentioning however, that under the First Amendment vendors dealing in books, magazines, newspapers or art are exempt from needing a license. Further help and advice can be found by visiting, a New York based organization specializing in helping Street Vendors.

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