Tough question Steve. I guess the answer to this is constantly changing, as my interests and influences change.
If you had asked a 10 year old me this, I'd have probably said The Undertaker - although I'm not really sure what I'd have asked him!

If you'd asked me as a teenager, it'd probably have been Marilyn Manson and his bass player Twiggy Ramirez (so, kind of the same look... But outside the wrestling ring).

After seeing him in concert (and having kindled hopes of meeting him backstage) I've had a list of questions prepared for him for some time now.
They're mainly about how would I get a slot opening for him tour, but I'm also interested in knowing what happened to all the former bandmates that either got kicked out of the band or left of their own accord.
I'd also ask him about his vocal effects, as I've tried recording similar style music, and have struggled to recreate the same combination of delay, distortion and layering that most of his records use.
Nowadays though, I don't really feel like I have many "heroes" as such. I learn stuff and look up to people in my everyday life really - so the closest I come to meeting my heroes these days is on a Google hangout with the VP of Community for Hootsuite or something like that...