I'm one of those guys that watches the Superbowl partly for the game, and partly for the ads - so this is the perfect question for me.
Personally, my perfect ad combines humour and a little bit of "cheekiness".
I've always been a fan of the Got Milk? ad campaign, ever since first seeing it on the pages of Sports Illustrated.
I also like the Dr. Pepper series of ads that enshrined the phrase "What's the worst that can happen" into our collective thirst-quenching psyche.
In terms of the "craziest" though, I guess we'd have to stray into the world of guerrilla marketing. This is a realm where non-conventional marketing methods are used to grab people's attention and make an impact.
I love ads that make use of urban spaces like this fast food brand's attempt below:
Although their sexually overt nature might not be to everyone's taste, they're usually done with enough tongue-in-cheek to get away with it.
Although the following example might be considered a road-traffic hazard: