Why Aren't There More Women In Senior Positions In Business?


12 Answers

Mike McCarthy Profile
Mike McCarthy answered
Women deserve the same praise as us men do.
Julia Profile
Julia answered
My company actually has just as many women as men in senior positions. I would also consider myself at a middle management position. At this level, I think there are actually more women then men....but, that's us.
thanked the writer.
View all 5 Comments
Julia commented
Wow, was that a cranky, semi vicious response? I sort of thought that I got here because I knew more then the average person about my area of expertese.
Keith Old
Keith Old commented
I'm sure it is mums.
Keith Old
Keith Old commented
It was indeed an uncalled for and unjustified comment
jacques slabouz Profile
jacques slabouz answered
There are quite a few senior business women out there...they just don't get the praise they deserve...
Merlin Paine Profile
Merlin Paine answered
Paternalism lasted a long time.  In the US for the first time in history (in perhaps,any civilization) more women are getting college degrees than men. It is a slow process but you will eventually see higher numbers of women in senior positions in business in the coming century.
The Instigator Profile
The Instigator answered
They're always home having bebbies and baking cookies.  They have to be at work every day. And just because their friend comes once a moth doesn't excuse them from working 5 days a week.  OK ladies throw stones.  If you don't know where I'm coming from, just read my profile.
thanked the writer.
Keith Old
Keith Old commented
Thanks Jackyl.
Julia commented
Just read it. I suppose if you need something to do, being nasty is indeed something.
Michelle New Zealand
Earth to planet Pluto, earth to planet Pluto come in. Is anyone home, oh only the idiot is home on which planet do you live, clearly not on planet earth. Baking cookies maybe 50 years ago. Oh, you just love the attention you get from this don't you.
Annie Devore Profile
Annie Devore answered
Because There Are Some. Very Uninformed Or Indifferent Men Out There. It's Been That Way Since Forever. Women Still Get Degrees..It Takes A While For Minds To Change. Think.. Slavery..  Women's Rights To Vote.. Gay Rights. The List Goes On And On...
Michelle New Zealand Profile
Well I guess I have a whole different perspective to bring to the table concerning your question.  In my country men always had the Senior positions and that was just the way it was, I fought many years to change things because I was just as well qualified as the men and in some cases even more qualified then the guys sitting in the position but because I was a woman I wasn't given the change but I decided not to give up, I worked myself into a standstill doing more and working harder to show them that Im also worthy of being there, it took a lot of sweat and psychological pain but I eventually got them on my side, I had to earn their respect as well as trust and once I got them out of a very difficult position that was when they noticed me and didn't feel that I was a threat to them or their positions.  That is just how I got to the top and believe me it is not easy, I gave up my whole life, my personal life, I gave up the change to have children like other woman to keep my place as a Senior in the work place.

Now since the African government took over, almost every single Senior positions is filled by woman and only African woman with the exception of one or two white woman.  Only other thing is that the woman that sits in these positions are not capable of doing the jobs, most of them don't have any qualifications and can hardly spell their own names but because they are the right color and gender they get the position, how would most of you feel if you had to work in an environment like that, you are a man with the worlds best qualifications and you have to work under a boss which is a complete idiot, would you do it and be happy.

I am all for equal rights but then you must deserve it not just get it because you are the right gender or color
John Profile
John answered
Because it's a dog fight to make it into becoming a business leader when dealing with the "big boys". They don't really want to have to play the games others have put in place to do business over generations. If you don't have a survivable business plan at the start you are not likely to make it against all the other competition just like any other person.i guess you could say they see the futility of fighting the glass ceiling although it has become easier over the years it's still not easy to make a profitable company for anyone.if you watch the shark tank show you will hear the woman on there admit she had to fight to get to where she is now.and i hate to say this woman tend to do business from a total different stand point than men.(which is only a bad thing in certain business). I guess what i am saying is they usually have a different reason for getting into business than a man.(no offense meant). Even the lady on the shark tank show let's her heart show when making deals. She even says it openly that she is more honest wiling to help/deal with other people getting them to where she is.men are more likely to try to make it all alone to prove they did it  unlike a woman that is more likely to network use all there family,friends ,neighbors relatives to get to where they want ot be.(which is not a bad thing). In the long run becuase they have learned not ot burn bridges  even if their business contacts do not work out in the past. In other words they tend to realize more than men that they will need these people in the future maybe to provide business for their company. Because you never know when one of those contacts may become the next microsoft. :) .oh! And the one they don't want to admit to a lot of times is they want the traditional family/kids/husband/dog/cat/little white house with the picket fence and a swing set in the back yard.and they find they can't really do justice to both the job or the kids/family in the real world. In other words they have to make a choice on how to divide their time and to who they owe their undivided attention to.the job or the family.(which again is not a bad thing).in other words the old saying still holds true they don't want to get to the end of their life and wonder if they spent enough time with their kids/husband.
yarnlady Profile
yarnlady answered
The industry is still working to overcome the false stereotypes of people regarding the abilities of women. For many years, women agreed to allow men to "take care" of them, but those days are long gone. A lot of the older generation is still struggling with the concept, but as they die off, the tide is turning.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is just due to the social discrimination and the social norm that women aren't cut out to work.

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