What does duracell say about the durability of their brand?


1 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
According to Duracell, their batteries last the longest, because they are "copper-topped", and this gives them extra staying power. Duracell also touts their brand by explaining that many important people, such as famed outdoor adventurers, rely only on Duracell batteries when they are out in the field. Whether these batteries are used to power headlamps for exotic caving, or used to power a child's toy, the company promises that their batteries will hold out the longest, by supplying power long after their competitor's batteries have died out.

  • Batteries are versatile

Duracell offers disposable and rechargeable batteries - common uses for these are in shortwave radios, walkie-talkies, portable stereos, cameras, and so on...in fact, the usages for batteries are almost limitless. The main benefit of batteries is that they make devices portable, since an electrical outlet or alternative power source, such as a generator, is no longer required.

  • Duracell advertises heavily

Since Duracell sells so many batteries, they have ample funds to funnel into advertising campaigns. Once promotional gambit they have used with great success is a series of television ads starring a stuffed bunny toy that putters along, powered by Duracell copper-top batteries. People have become accustomed to associating the brand with being "long-lasting", and Duracell has basically cornered the market on this niche of the battery industry. Of course, Duracell can't make these claims without backing them up, so they test their batteries against other brands, and show people supporting documentation of results that prove that Duracell is the longest-lasting battery.

To find out if Duracell is really the longest-lasting battery, do your own field test. Before placing fresh batteries in a device, write down the date and time - then, note the time and date when the batteries die. The next time you need batteries, use another brand and repeat the test. When you do this, it will be easy to see whose batteries really last the longest.

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