The worth of a 1960 Repvbblica Italiana 500 lira coin is entirely dependent on which currency you are buying and selling with. Some suggestions from unverifiable internet sources have reached as high as $478.40.
However - there is much speculation as to the worth of the Italian coin. In fact, some collectors claim that the coin is worth very little; stating that it can be found quite readily in collections around the world.
The opinion of some collectors about this coin in general
One opinion is that, if the coin is in mint condition, it could be sold for the value of around US 60 cents. If the coin is somewhat damaged then it has been found to sell for around 25 cents.
The outer perimeter of the coin itself is composed of the following materials: Iron alloy, chromium and stainless steel. The inner area of the coin is made of an alloy that consists of bronze and aluminum. It is also believed to be the first bimetallic coin that existed within modern society.
The lira, as a currency, has been out of circulation since 2002 and was replaced by the Euro, which replaced the original currency of a number of countries when they became a part of a joint European Economic Community.
See a specialist
Perhaps the best thing to do in these cases is to seek out a professional that will be able to value the coin. There seems to be a large amount of conflicting information available in the public domain regarding the value of various denominations of the Lira, and sometimes it is better to seek out an independent expert in the field for a definitive answer.