Money, being payed flat rate
Supervisors always hasseling you to get something done just so they can make more money foe their business.
Assholes are your co-workers. Your in competition with them, thus they will do ANYTHING to make sure you don't make any money and steal all of your work/business. Even if that include being an unreasonable ass hole for no reason
You are always dirty.
Being a mechanic sucks. Vehicles are disposable- why bother. The car business (service) is a the same magic show since the 30s when it became profitable, and popular to service a vehicle.
You need to say goodbye to overtime, paid time off and sometimes benefits and say Hello to flat rate pay, long trips driving to work, and $5,000.00 on your tool box alone. Liability? Good luck not breaking anything, even new cars- built from 60% post consumer material.
Prepare to be mentally belittled- after all, you should be as skilled as the ENGINEER who designed the vehicle (for sale in 6 months) prepare to be physically wasted at the knees, eyes and breathe crap all day, oh yeah one more thing, hope you're competitive. The guy working the next bay over will truck you in the hallway to get to the brake lathe of flush machine first, afterall- he's been doing this longer.
OMG as I read these I'm convinced I wrote one while i was drunk but have no recollection. SPOT ON BROTHER! SPOT ON! I've been fixing cars at a luxury dealer 5 years now and it's true. Cars are a disposable joke. I drive a junk truck an hour each way 6 days a week 12 hours of work a day and sometimes no break. I don't even know my wife anymore, barely see my kid.... Then again if not for the shop, I'd have no house, wife, kid, be able to fix my junk truck....LEss brain function. Is it worth it? Hell, I don't know. My biggest peeve is the I KNOW MORE THAN YOU DO techs. What a joke. Are you here at work to make the most money or to be the smartest? I'm just glad people are waking up from the Obama crap and realizing we're people, not little slave robots. IF it's so easy then you do it!
but I sucks cause you don't get paid a lot