Do You Keep Receipts For Tax Deductions?


2 Answers

mark salcido Profile
mark salcido answered
To make things easier for tax purposes it is easier and less confusing if you use a credit card. Even if you have no credit you can still buy a pre-paid credit card. With either a pre-paid credit card or a regular credit card you have a receipt you can save for tax purposes. Also if you lose your receipts yo can always ask the credit card company to give you coppies of your statements and receipts...
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
How about plain old bank card reciepts, i was stupid and never kept any reciepts but i did pay for my fuel with my bank card so i will have a traceable statement showing it?
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
I always keep all kinds of receipts specially the tax ones. You can claim or even refund from your income tax by showing these receipts and its always good to have a copy of it.

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