Now work out the regular hours that you have worked during that week which of course will be paid at your normal regular rate. For example, your time card could end up reading:
In work: 7.15am
Lunch: 11.00am
Back at work: 12.00pm
Leave work: 4.15pm
When you subtract the hour that you took for lunch, this equals to eight hours of work.
The next thing you do is figure out your overtime, if this is applicable. But once you have worked this out, don’t just add it straight onto your regular hours as you should be paid a different rate of pay for any overtime you do, this usually around 1.5 times your regular rate unless your state or company has a different rate of pay.
Once you know how many regular hours your have worked that week and how much overtime you have done, you should be able to gain a rough idea of how much you will be receiving when your pay check arrives.
A couple of tips to make the whole process easier is to convert to military time if possible. For example, 1pm in the afternoon because 1300; 2pm is 1400, 3pm is 1500, and so on. Another tip is to round the minutes to the nearest five minutes, for example, round 13 minutes up to 15 minutes or 26 minutes down to 25 minutes.