What is the difference between Interim Dividend and Final Dividend?
Interim Dividends are declared and distributed before the company’s annual earnings have been known.
These interim dividends are paid out of undistributed profits (reserves) brought from previous periods.
A company may choose to pay interim dividend quarterly or half yearly as long as it has adequate undistributed profits brought forward from previous periods.
These dividends usually accompanies the company’s interim financial statements
Final dividends are declared at the end of the financial period whereby the directors are aware of the company’s profitability and financial health.
Normally, final dividends are declared before the books are closed and will be paid the following year. Thus final dividends will appears as dividend payable or proposed dividends under current liabilities in the Balance Sheet of that period.
Normally, compared to interim dividends, the final dividends % constitute the largest payout.
Interim Dividends are declared and distributed before the company’s annual earnings have been known.
These interim dividends are paid out of undistributed profits (reserves) brought from previous periods.
A company may choose to pay interim dividend quarterly or half yearly as long as it has adequate undistributed profits brought forward from previous periods.
These dividends usually accompanies the company’s interim financial statements
Final dividends are declared at the end of the financial period whereby the directors are aware of the company’s profitability and financial health.
Normally, final dividends are declared before the books are closed and will be paid the following year. Thus final dividends will appears as dividend payable or proposed dividends under current liabilities in the Balance Sheet of that period.
Normally, compared to interim dividends, the final dividends % constitute the largest payout.