
Why internal linking is important for website?


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IQ Option answered

we can use a link from a popular, evergreen, post which attracts regular traffic to promote the latest ClickZ Live event, or a piece of paid content we’d like to raise awareness of.

There are other reasons:

  • It provides your audience with further reading options. For example, if you are writing about a new product or service from Twitter, and we’ve written a great post on Twitter in the past, link to it. It provides context for the reader and promotes older content.
  • It helps to improve your ranking for certain keywords. For example, if we want a page to rank for ‘search marketing statistics’ and we have a page containing these, then we can point people the page using the relevant anchor text. This sends a clear signal to Google that this page is relevant to search users typing in that phrase.
  • It can help you to promote events and other paid services. If we’re talking about link-buildng and we have a great speaker on covering that topic at an upcoming event, that’s an opportunity to promote them.
  • It helps Google to crawl the site. Internal links in articles, as well as in category and tag pages, help Google to index pages more efficiently.
for more detail take a look at

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