
Mass marketing is dead vs.mass marketing is still available?


1 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I'd say mass marketing does still exist. You only need to turn on the TV to see examples of adverts and marketing strategies aimed at the masses, or perhaps broad demographics (based on the timing and shows that these adverts run alongside).

However, marketing to the masses is generally recognized as being less effective than more targeted forms of marketing, which are only growing stronger and stronger.

These days, companies have much more information and data on their users and customers than ever before.

This allows for very specific marketing strategies, that are tailor made to match every aspect of an audience: From earning, to geolocations to browsing history - this wealth of information is the biggest driver behind the so called "death" of mass marketing.

Nevertheless, there are companies that still keep mass marketing alive. These are generally companies who can afford to take an "everyman" approach. Either because their product could potentially be relevant to the entire market (think Coca Cola), or because their budget simply allows it (i.e. The cost of mass marketing is outweighed by the revenue brought in).

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