What's Are The Elements Of Analysis Model?


3 Answers

Alex hales Perry Profile

Elements of a market analysis model are shown below

1. Market size

2. Market trends

3. Market growth rate

4. Market opportunity

5. Market profitability

6. Industry cost structure

7. Distribution channels

8. Success factors

Helen Greene Profile
Helen Greene answered

1. Scenario based elements

2. Class based elements

3. Behavioral elements

4. Flow oriented elements

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Business Integration Modeler provides a variety of analysis functions that allow you to extract specific types of important business information from your models.

This section details the types of analysis functions that are available.

    * Process model analysis
      The tool provides a variety of analysis functions relating to process models in their static state. These analysis functions are in addition to dynamic analysis functions, which return information based on the results of running a process simulation.
    * Organization model analysis
      The tool provides two analysis functions for organization models that allow you to identify the usage and position of organization model elements within structures and structure definitions.
    * Resource model analysis
      The tool provides several analysis functions for resource models. You can use these analysis to extract information on resources, roles, and timetables that you have defined in your project.
    * General analysis
      The tool provides three types of general analysis functions. You can use these analysis to determine the relationships of model elements with each other.

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