What Is The Difference Between Vision And Mission Statement?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mission is basically the plan of action where as the Vision is the end result of the action.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In simple understanding..they are both statement owned or expressed by an organization;a vision statement try to explain where a company want to be in future ;A mission statement express why an organization exist
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A Vision statement should answer the basic question "What do we want to become?". A clear vision provides the foundation for developing a comprehensive mission statement.
Secondly, the vision statement should be short, preferably one sentence, and as many managers as possible should have input into developing the statement.

Yousuf Zafar
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Vision Statement is something called a picture of your company in future.Your vision is your inspiration. Vision Statement answer the question"Where do we want to go?"
Mission Statement is a brief description of a company's fundamental purpose. A mission statement answers the question "Why do we exist?"
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mission concerns what an organization is all about or overall purpose of an organization.

Vision concerns what the organization wants to become or how the future will look if the organization achieves the mission.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mission is often an action or group of individuals that are formed with the intent of action. Vision however, in at least one sense, is a conceptual thing similar to the ideal of a real thing. These two both have place and often have place together in the realization of goal.

Mission can refer to a group of individuals, the act that a group or individual is to carry out, or to the actions involved in the completion. In general these groups or organizations fit one or two classifications. Among the more common is the group that enters into a foreign area. The other is a group that is stationary and generally these are religious outreach to a community in need. The basic concept is similar the outreach; whether through entering a foreign land or a separated fraction of a community. Mission can also refer to the specific act that is to be carried out, as in the case of a mission statement. The particular actions involved in completion of the mission statement may also be referred to as missions. Generally these will be clearly defined, and many missions may be involved in the accomplishment of an overall goal. There are multiple definitions of mission that aren’t related to these concepts.

Vision generally refers to a concept. The idea that an individual holds as the ultimate goal is that individual’s vision. Some visions may be more or less clear. Visions may also change during the course of efforts toward a vision, but due to their conceptual nature they are not necessarily realistic and therefore may not change. The reality of a group of organization may seem to meander or depart from the vision as a result of this. These are not the only definitions of vision some are rather medical or biological in nature and mostly unrelated.

A vision may be an initial galvanizing clarity that sparks action or the organization of a mission. In organizations a mission statement may be drafted that attempts to capture and possibly describe the vision of the organization. In the course of efforts toward that vision a number of missions may be embarked upon.
Mehreen Misbah Profile
Mehreen Misbah answered
The chief difference between Strategic Vision and Mission Statement is, the former deals primarily with the future of the company, while the latter deals with the present mechanics of the enterprise. Under the umbrella of this main difference, a plethora of puny differences generate between the two terms, nevertheless there is a strong point of connection between the two, the level of harmony of which is actually the prime determinant in evaluating the success of any company. While the Strategic Vision will outline things like future sales forecasts or future revenue targets in the next few years or prospective brand extensions, the Mission Statement will most likely deal with components like the current customers, present offerings of products and services, currently operating employee circle etc. Nevertheless the importance of both the Strategic Vision and the Mission Statement are equally important. They are both compliments, both of which are incomplete without the other one.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Chief concern of the strategic vision is "where we are going?" Strategic vision portrays a company's future business scope.
Mission statement refers "Who we are and what we do?"  It describes company's  present business cope.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mission is all that you need to do to bake the cake, vision is how you want the cake to be when it is done.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mission is the way or strategy through which is made to achieve vision.
It  means vision is objective of company and missions are action taken to achieve this objective.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A mission is about now & here whereas vision is where an organisation sees itself in future
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Vision is basically plan a plan for future and mission statement is the objective of the company it broadly describe an organization's skills, customers, its functions and business makeup.

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