
When Will The Senate Vote On 4th Extension For Unemployment?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oct. 12

The Register-Guard, Eugene, Ore., on unemployment benefits:

Despite a growing consensus that the Great Recession has ended, unemployment is expected to continue rising well into next year.

That's why it's imperative that Congress move swiftly to approve another extension of unemployment benefits to help the millions of Americans who remain mired in economic misery.

Last Thursday, the Senate reached a tentative deal to extend unemployment benefits by 14 weeks in all states. ... Without a nationwide extension, 1.5 million Americans will have exhausted benefits by the end of the year, an unwelcome prospect for an economy just starting to recover from free fall. ...

Republican critics of extended unemployment insurance say it can be a disincentive to looking for work — an argument that overlooks the wasteland that the job market remains in Oregon and most other states. ...

Critics also claim extending benefits at a time the economy is recovering is counterproductive. But unemployment benefits are one of the most effective forms of short-term stimulus. The average state jobless check is $300 a month, and unemployed Americans plow that money back into the economy, paying rent and buying food and other necessities. ...

The Great Recession technically may be over. But it's going to take a while for the "jobless recovery" to end and the real one to begin.

Until that happens, Congress should help unemployed Americans from plunging deeper into poverty.


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Alicen Gould Profile
Alicen Gould answered
10/21/09: It was presented to the floor last night, but put on hold again! This is just for discussion, this is not even for the vote! Senators are still dragging their feet while us people with no jobs are suffering. Then DSS treats you like low lives since we need help! Our bills are way past due, food is running out in our homes! I am a single mother of an 12 yr old boy that just had a birthday and had to scrounge to buy my son a cake and make him a good dinner! I am tired of struggling and want to work if I could only find a job! Until then Senate needs to get off their high horses and vote for this extension! The US people need the help right now paying their bills and keeping their families from starving any more than we already are!!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I know how you feel. I have two young girls and if this extension doesn't go through soon their dad will lose his benefits and I can just hope and pray that we don't end up on the streets. I will keep you in my prays and wish you the best of luck. Keep your head high. Sometimes that is all we can do!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is stupid ... Because if they stop the unemployment then we wont be able to put money back into the economy.... So give people back the unemployment and lets go on with our lives please and thank-you!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Senate passed the 4th extension for unemployment and the president sign it . How long will it take to get a check.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When the Republicans stop blocking the vote.. Call your senaters make your voice heard. Remind them that the 15 million that this will help are also part of the people that can change weather or not they have a job when the elections come around.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I called sen reid office today 10-23-09 they told me the 4th extension bill will be on the floor tue 10-27-09 it will pass with 14weeks extension for every state and 6 extra for high unemployment states here is sen ried number 202-224-3452 hope this helps you! Good luck!

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