How Do I Find Out When My Federal Tax Return Will Be Sent Out?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can go to and click the link 'where is my refund' if you provide correct information including the exact amount, you are expecting it will tell you when they mail it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered and click wheres my refund..enter your social number, filing status and the exact amount you expect to will give you date of when you should be receiving it..and remember in these hard times, saving is always the best option.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok I electronically filed my taxes  when will I get it
shannon goldsmith Profile
Just go to the website . I think it is and it has a place where you can click on the says' where's my refund'? Just enter in the exact dollar amount and some other small info and it will tell you right when and there..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The irs building in texas had a plane crash into it is there where my refund will be coming from

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